Friday, October 29, 2010

How he got his name

Originally we were going to name our baby Milo Glen Andrus. Milo is David's great great....grandpa's name and Glen is my grandpa's name (my fathers father).
Well I wasn't totally convinced that this was his name, and later I found out David felt the same way.
Well everyone knows that we are both Harry Potter fans and so jokingly David and I were saying that if the baby came during Harry Potter we would give her a middle name of Lily or him a middle name of James (for those who may not know - Harry Potter's parents' first names).
Well both David and I said we didn't like Milo for his first name and we both said we actually really liked the name James. And it turns out that James is actually a family name. Once we figured it out it was like that was his name! There was no second guessing this time.
But we couldn't get rid of Milo or Glen so we decided to be a bit unconventional and give him both as middle names.

1 comment:

Dani and Chandler said...

i love family names and names that have meanings! cute!