Sunday, October 3, 2010


What do I say... This blog will most likely be all over the place and I hope that it makes somewhat sense as I try to express my feelings and thoughts.

How can I let someone I love do something that is so obviously stupid to everyone else around him?!?!
Everyone can see that he is making the wrong choices and we try to tell him but he just wont listen. Or he is listening but choosing not to heed our warnings. To me it seems like it's like your driving down a road and there are all these signs that say "Danger" "Warning" "Heartache" "Betrayal", but all of these signs seem to be dim compared to the glow of the city in front of you.
This is just so frustrating!
There are even people who have told him that they "support" his choice but then behind his back say that they don't like the situation but they aren't going to say anything because "he needs to learn from his mistakes" even if it ends up hurting him.
I know we all have our own lives to live and we all have free agency, but it's so hard to stand by and watch someone do something you know will end up breaking their heart.
He even told me once that he prayed about it and felt that he shouldn't go forward with this and that he knows that it wasn't right.
I believe that he has gotten his answer, and he is choosing to ignore it.
We all have told him how we feel, we are all praying for him.
I don't know what else we can do! I don't know what else I can do!
I love him so I will just continue to love him (I may not support him but I love him)

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