Wednesday, October 6, 2010

37 Weeks

Today I am 37 weeks! Only 3 weeks left!
But also today was kinda an adventure. We went in for my normal check up and when I got there my blood pressure was 147/88 (not good). We go through the normal appointment (I'm 65% effaced and 2 cm dilated) And then the doctor sends me to the hospital for some more monitoring. Well we got there and I got all hooked up and right off the bat my blood pressure was down to 127/80. The hooked the baby up too and was watching his heartbeat. Well the nurse had to keep coming in and adjust the monitor because the baby would shift. It was fun though because he got the hiccups twice and it was fun to hear them through the machine.
my blood pressure stayed low and after 4 and half hours we got the ok to go home and I'm back on strict bedrest. Which really isn't that bad, I was already on modified bedrest so it's not that different to go on full. Plus it's only 3 more weeks or less.
David was actually kinda disappointed that I didn't get admitted because if I was then we would most likely be having a baby this week.
oh one more thing I get to do another 24hr pee test.

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