Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Another ADD post

Seriously it really has been the best thing I could do to get medication for my Adult ADD.
Yesterday I wasn't able to take my Adderall because I wanted to take some Dayquil because I thought I was getting a little bit of a cold. Oh boy yesterday I just didn't want to do anything! Well I did I wanted to take a shower and work on a sewing project and take James down to the park...but I didn't get any of that done! I was also so incredibly hungry! My brain was just all over the place that I really had a hard time focusing on anything!
It's so hard to try and describe this. How can you understand what I mean when you have never experienced this? But I took my first pill today and WOW! I have worked out showered and eaten and it's not even noon yet! Really this is the best thing I have ever done! I just feel so good! I can't even explain how great I feel!

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