Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mrs. David Andrus

So its official I am now Megan E. Andrus!  I got my name changed. Its  kinda weird honestly. I mean I have always been Megan Edmunds. But I do like it. It makes things feel complete. 

Kinda random but we have been looking for a wii fit forever and everywhere we look they have been sold out. Last night I said I wanted to get the game Mario Party for the Wii so we can play together (we only had 2 other games that were 2 player) so we went to Gamestop to get our game. While we were there we noticed that behind the counter there was a Wii Fit. We bought it of course! Its so much fun and you really do get a good work out from it too! 

1 comment:

Cherise Oleson said...

How do you guys have a Wii? You are freaking newlywed youngins . . . I do believe you are a little spoiled. And I do believe I am a little jealous. JK! Hope you enjoy your Wii Fit! And I hope Santa brings us one this Christmas . . .