Monday, March 2, 2009

My frustration with Watchmen the movie

When I first saw the preview for Watchmen I was really excited. I was hoping for a PG-13 rating but knew that something would make it R. I was ok with that to a point. I can stand fighting and a little bit of swearing. If there was going to be nudity it would most likely be brief and nothing to traumatizing, plus that stuff doesn't really phase me. 
When it did get an R rating I wasn't surprised and thought I would see it when it came out on DVD or something like that so its easier to skip unwanted parts of the movie. 
Well I found out the there is a full frontal of a man during the entire movie. Not cool!!! I don't care if he is computer animated put some pants on him! or at least blur it out like you have been doing with the previews!
I really want to go see this movie it does look really good but your nude man has completely turned me away from it. 
Thanks alot

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