Monday, March 30, 2009

I hate them all

Ok so maybe hate is a strong word. I really dislike the thousands and millions of screaming girls who are obsessed with . . . everything!

First I will say I loved the Twilight books, except the last one I feel it was a cop out but oh well. And yes I love Edward!!! (in the books)
The movie was a good laugh. Most of the entertainment came from the very funny comments some of the girls and women where making during the movie. For example when Carlisle walked in for the first time the women in front of us said "Oh my! I didn't know they made them like that!" I was laughing so hard!
And Robert Pattinson was good but he will forever be Cedric to me. My devotion to Harry Potter is stronger.

Ok so back to my main point. How can you enjoy anything if you are screaming at the top of your lungs! You can't hear anything and you probably can't see anything because most of you close your eyes to scream! What is the point! You can love the movie and the books but do it a little quieter! Let the rest of us keep our hearing and our sanity!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree with you. When anyone is all hyper and excited about something, I think, " Okay, let's wait a minute and see what's really going on." When there's a whole group that is hyper emotional about something, I think, "Run. Run away as fast as I can in the opposite direction." I have to say that is why I have never watched the movie Titanic.