Friday, November 20, 2009

Night in the ER

Yesterday was an eventful day.
We of course knew that I was going to miscarry we just didn't know when.
When we were leaving school around 5 pm we noticed that I was bleeding...a lot
after an hour and no improvement we decided to go to the ER. My blood pressure dropped several times to 80's/40's and then once into the 70's. I was very light headed and a little nauseous but once they hooked me up to an IV i felt a lot better.
I was still bleeding pretty bad and I was kinda in pain so they gave me 8 units of morphine which was amazing!
They did deiced around 11, when I still hadn't stopped bleeding, that I should get a D and C (DNC?) So I went into surgery which I did really well in and recovered really quick. But we still couldn't go home till 3 am.
We are now home and I'm relaxing and taking it easy. I'm on all sorts of medications and my favorite is the Percocet!
So this has been a very fun and eventful week!

1 comment:

Layne Bushell said...

I love's tylenol laced with codiene...good stuff. I call it the wonder drug. They gave it to me after all 4 c-sections.

I'm sorry you've gone through this. Hopefully in the next few days when you feel physically better, you'll be able to start to heal emotionally. Hang in there. I know it's hard, but you will get through and you will see the light.
