This is actually me at 32.5 weeks
Wow I can't believe that today I am 33 week pregnant! Time has really flown by! We are so excited!
Things have been going great too! I'm kinda off the bedrest, I can go out on short shopping trips and as long has I don't do anything stressful I can get up and get out and do things.
The baby wiggles and moves all the time but I'm glad that he's not really a big kicker he is more of a push and hold type of baby. He'll push out a body part and just sit like that for awhile and then shift and stick something else out. His favorite spot is under my right side ribs. He'll just sit there all day with his butt sticking out and slide it back and forth. But he is also a little stinker he'll move and move and move but as soon as David puts his hand on my belly he'll freeze, then David will lift his hand up and he'll move and move and then freeze again as soon as David puts his hand back. I think it's kinda funny. We already have fun playing with our baby.
He is going to be fun and we are excited to meet him soon.